Second Saturday at IYWD
What is Second Saturday at IYWD?
Second Saturday at In Your Wildest Dreams is a monthly event that falls on the second Saturday of every month. This event holds 40+ vendors, a food truck, and different store-wide sales. All of this combined makes for an amazing day shopping!
How long does Second Saturday go for?
Second Saturday in-store is an all day event that begins at 9am and lasts until 5pm. Vendors in our parking lot are there from 9am-3pm.
How do I become a Vendor?
If you wish to be a vendor you must email us at From there, we will ask you a series of questions and ask that you provide us with some information on what you wish to sell.
Do I need to provide my own pop up and tables?
Yes. If you become a vendor at Second Saturday, you must provide all of your own tables, pop up tent, table clothes, and whatever else you may need. We don’t provide you anything other than the space and advertising before and during the event.
How do I get more information on Second Saturday?
If you need or want more information, please give us a call at 661-324-6484 or email us at